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Non-repudiation: Your Virtual Shield in Cybersecurity

In the digital world, where countless users communicate, share data, and engage in diverse activities, determining the origin and actions behind these interactions can be quite challenging. This is where non-repudiation steps in. Coupling other security factors, such as delivery proof, identity verification, and a digital signature, creates non-repudiation. This guarantees that the parties involved in the transmission are unable to renounce the execution of an action.

Combating phishing attacks with passwordless FIDO2 authentication

Attackers predominantly use phishing attacks to steal and misuse user identities. A global Statista study on employee-reported malicious emails revealed that in the first quarter of 2023, 58.2% of malicious emails were credential theft attacks, 40.5% were impersonation attacks, and 1.3% were malware deliveries. Phishing attacks create a sense of urgency and panic in users, who, as a result, easily fall victim to them.
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Hacked Creativity? How Cyber Security Threats Impact Artists

The creative industries have undergone a rapid shift thanks to digitisation. The emergence of cutting-edge cloud-based storage, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) tools has allowed creatives from all walks of life to innovate and enhance how they work while alleviating themselves from many arduous, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks.
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Human risk management automation can help beat burnout

Cyber criminals are relentlessly exploiting new technologies to improve their chances of success. As such, security professionals are feeling the pressure of keeping watch against these threats and trying to stay a step ahead of these criminals.

AI-driven cyber attacks to be the norm within a year, say security leaders

New research from Netacea reveals 93% of security leaders expect to face daily AI-driven attacks by the end of this year. Ransomware and phishing attacks are expected to be enhanced by offensive AI, but bots remain an underestimated threat. All respondents are benefiting from AI in their security stack, but adoption of bot management is lagging behind.

Safeguarding Your LLM-Powered Applications: A Comprehensive Approach

The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the manner in which we interact with technology. These powerful AI systems have found their way into a wide range of applications, from conversational assistants and content generation tools to more complex decision-making systems. As the adoption of LLM-powered applications continues to grow, it has become increasingly crucial to prioritize the security and safety of these technologies.

How API Security Factors into DORA Compliance

Complying with data protection regulations isn’t easy, but it has traditionally involved dealing with familiar risks. For example, do your IT admins have the right amount of access to systems touching sensitive information? Review, remediate, report, and repeat. Compliance has been cumbersome, but workable. The problem is, today’s attack surface is nowhere near workable. And it’s evolving to include threats that most compliance programs aren’t yet accounting for.

Understanding how Rationality, Deterrence Theory, and Indeterminism Influence Cybercrime.

Understanding the factors influencing cybercriminal behavior is essential for developing effective cybercrime prevention strategies. Rationality plays a significant role in shaping criminal decisions, particularly through the lens of the rational actor model and deterrence theory.

360 degrees of application security with Snyk

Application development is a multistage process. The App goes through various stages, each with its own area of focus. However, application security, a.k.a. AppSec, is constant throughout all the stages. For example, when a developer codes, it’s expected that the code will be secure. Similarly, the artifacts that are worked upon or generated as an end output of the respective stages are all required to be secure.