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Why Do Hackers Want Medical Records?

Hackers want stolen medical records to commit identity theft, use the stolen data as a ransom, sell it on the dark web or impersonate the victim to receive medical services. Medical records are valuable to cybercriminals as they allow cybercriminals to commit fraud and go undetected longer than they can with other Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

What To Do if Your Online Accounts Keep Getting Hacked

If your online accounts keep getting hacked, you should scan your computer for malware, update your account passwords, enable MFA, check your account’s settings for suspicious changes, change your account’s security questions and place a fraud alert on your credit report. Continue reading to learn the signs that point to your online account being hacked, steps to take when your account is hacked and how to prevent your account from being hacked again.

Google Dorking: An Introduction for Cybersecurity Professionals

Google Dorking, also known as Google Hacking, is a technique using sophisticated search queries to uncover information on the internet not easily accessible through typical search queries. It leverages the capabilities of Google’s search algorithms to locate specific text strings within search results.

Decoding ethical hacking: A comprehensive exploration of white hat practices

In era of digital devices, where the specter of data breaches and cyber threats looms large, the role of ethical hackers, colloquially known as white hat hackers, has become paramount. This article embarks on an in-depth journey into the realm of ethical hacking, illuminating its profound significance in identifying vulnerabilities and fortifying the intricate tapestry of overall cybersecurity.

Fueling Chaos: Hacker Group Grinds 70% of Iran's Gasoline System to a Halt

The Iranian government has made the claim that a cyber threat group, identified as Gonjeshke Darande or "Predatory Sparrow" in Persian, is linked to Israel and has taken responsibility for the disruption of gasoline pumps throughout Iran on December 18, 2023. Gonjeshke Darande’s (Predatory Sparrow) Telegram channel statement claiming an attack against Iranian gas pumps. In many instances, statements and claims of this nature often prove to be unsubstantiated.

The 443 Podcast - Episode 273 - Hacking the Crypto Supply Chain

This week on the podcast, we cover a supply chain attack against one of the largest hardware cryptocurrency wallet manufacturers. After that, we discuss the latest Apache Struts vulnerability under active exploit by threat actors. We end the episode with our thoughts on a research blog post about a set of threat actors using an old school attack against modern targets. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

When Hackers Get Hacked: A Cybersecurity Triumph

In a dramatic twist befitting a digital thriller, a malware analyst at SecurityScorecard turned the tables on cybercriminals, rescuing a company from a staggering $500,000 ransomware demand. This story isn’t just about a single incident; it’s a testament to the power of cybersecurity expertise in the ongoing battle against ransomware, a menace that recorded 493 million instances in 2022 alone.

The Rise of Automotive Hacking

The automotive industry stands at the crossroads of innovation and vulnerability. As cars become increasingly connected, with advanced systems and features that rely on intricate software, the rise of automotive hacking has become a pressing concern. The convergence of traditional mechanical engineering and cutting-edge software has given rise to a new breed of threats that extend beyond physical security, delving into the digital realm of vehicle control systems.