Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Snyk debuts on 2021 CNBC Disruptor 50 List at #15

We are honored to share that Snyk has been named to the ninth annual CNBC Disruptor 50 List, coming in at #15! The full list, unveiled earlier this week, identifies 50 private companies “aligned with today’s rapid pace of technological change and poised to emerge from the pandemic as the next generation of business leaders.” The pandemic accelerated digital transformation and associated cybersecurity concerns.

Top Tips for Technical Due Diligence Process

We all dream of creating the next big thing: getting that investment that will help us over the finish line, landing a partnership with one of the big players, or getting acquired by a global enterprise. But as we race to keep ahead of the market and surprise our customers with bigger and better offerings than they ever imagined, we have to pass that dreaded series of hurdles: technical due diligence.

Signed Pipelines Build Trust in your Software Supply Chain

Trust isn’t given, it’s earned. As the Russian proverb advises, Доверяй, но проверяй — or as U.S. President Ronald Reagan liked to repeat, “Trust, but verify.” We designed JFrog Pipelines to securely support a large number of teams, applications, users and thousands of pipelines.

Snyk uncovers supply chain security vulnerabilities in Visual Studio Code extensions

We have been witnessing an ever growing amount of supply chain security incidents in the wild. Everything from open source package managers security flaws being exploited to continuous integration systems being compromised to software artifacts being backdoored. And now, those incidents are starting to extend to the place where developers spend most of their time: their integrated development environment, and specifically the Visual Studio Code IDE.

Deep dive into Visual Studio Code extension security vulnerabilities

To stay ahead of attackers, we constantly monitor various security threats. One of these threats — supply chain attacks — aims to compromise an organization through its software development process. Recently, a huge spike in supply chain attacks was observed — dependency confusion was discovered, the SolarWinds breach was reported and more malicious packages were flagged. This certainly drew our attention (as well as the rest of the world’s)!

Snyk takes on responsibility for Node.js ecosystem vulnerability disclosure program

As announced last week by our good friends at the Node.js Foundation, Snyk has agreed to take over from the amazing Node.js ecosystem vulnerability disclosure program. As a company that’s been part of this program from a very early stage — and has been inspired by it to create our own multi-ecosystem disclosure program — it is a great honor to have been entrusted with this responsibility, and we thank the Node.js Foundation sincerely for their trust in this matter.