Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2023

5 Reasons Why CISOs are Investing in API Security

Digital transformation has ushered in a new era of devices, applications and online services. And though apps get most of the credit, application programming interfaces, or APIs, provide the underlying connectivity between software and services that make it all possible. As any developer will confirm, APIs enable organizations to streamline workflows, develop new ways to support customers, and pursue new avenues to drive profit.

Detect and Block API Attacks in Real-time

API runtime protection refers to the process of securing your production APIs as they operate and manage requests. The idea is to identify and prevent malicious traffic from infiltrating and exploiting your API endpoints. Discover how Noname Security Runtime Protection utilizes AI and ML-based detection to safeguard your APIs against the growing number of malicious threats. Visit us at:

Tabit Addresses API Vulnerabilities Before Major Exploit

Tabit Technologies is a leading mobile hospitality solution provider with a robust product ecosystem that has revolutionized the payments industry. Celebrated globally for streamlining processes for both businesses and end-users, their unique software suite has challenged many of the traditional approaches to point-of-sale, reservation management, wayfinding, dining, and delivery. Consumers are empowered to access inventory and occupancy data to make purchases, reservations, and join waitlists.