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February 2022

SBOMs, SBOMs Everywhere. But What's the Best Way to Use Them?

The Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) has moved from relative obscurity to mainstream seemingly overnight, although the concept has been around for a while. As organizations look to ensure that the software they are producing, buying, and using is secure and reliable, the SBOM has become a valuable tool.

Why Should Product Security Leaders Care About an SBOM?

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) can be a powerful component of software security, and that’s why the rise of SBOMs should be good news for product security leaders and their teams. Because these documents are formal records that contain the details and supply chain relationships of the various components used in building software, they provide extensive histories of the software that can help organizations identify potentially risky components or sources.

Dynamic SBOM is the Future of Software Security

In previous posts, we’ve discussed how the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) concept will make a difference in cybersecurity, and why context is needed to generate the most value from these formal records of the details and supply chain relationships of software components. As helpful as SBOMs are in tracking the history of software products and their components, most of these documents remain static. That’s not ideal for a scenario in which there is near constant change.

Manage Risk and Productivity with Vulnerability Validation

Vulnerability management is one of the foundational controls that all organizations are required to have out of necessity due to increasing cyberthreats and as a consequence, compliance requirements. Vulnerability management as a practice is fundamental to organizations who want to ensure that their operations run smoothly without any loss of productivity or profits.

An SBOM is Not Enough-You Also Need Context

In a previous post, we discussed whether a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) can really make a difference from a cybersecurity standpoint, and the answer is a resounding “yes.” However, while an SBOM provides lots of the information organizations need to know about the components of the software products they buy and use, such a list by itself is not enough. For the SBOM to be really effective, they need to have context as well. Not all software products or vulnerabilities are equal.

Vulnerability Patching: A Resource Guide

Vulnerability patching is the short-term implementation of patches, which are pieces of code added to existing software to improve functionality or to remove vulnerabilities that have been flagged. Patches usually come from vendors of affected hardware or software and IT should apply them to an affected area in a timely manner.